Dear Black People,
Do you really know and understand how much power you have? I do not think most of you do. I think most of you have an idea, but you have not truly grasped how powerful you really are. This may take a moment, but allow me to explain.
I recently watched an old video called, “Don’t Cash Crop on My Cornrows,” by Amandla Stenberg. She repeated a question that was circulating around social media. She states, “What would America be like if we loved Black people as much as we love Black culture.”
While that question is so relevant and is such a powerful question, it is not as relevant as, “What would America be like if Black people loved Black people as much as they love Black culture.” Again, I ask, Black people, do you really know and understand how much power we really have!?
It would be fantastic if “America” love us as much as they love Black culture, but they do not, and we do not need or have to wait until “America” loves us. “America” will never love or embrace us. We were imported here as slaves. Slaves, I repeat. Slaves!
They did not bring us over because they thought highly of us and just wanted us to be a part of “their” country. They did not bring us over because they thought we could add value to the land simply by just being ourselves and teaching them our ways. “America” forced us to come over to do what they were too lazy to do, which is to, “make America great,” so “America” will never love us.
Once we became “free” and started doing things for ourselves, they yelled, and are still yelling to this day (to this day), “Go back to your own country,” (as if this is their country to begin with). So again, “America” will never love or accept us, but deep down inside so many of us truly want them to.
Are You Seeking “America’s” Approval?
Why do so many of us want “America’s” approval so badly? Half of the time most of us do not even realize we do! Example: how many of us read an article about or watch a video of a Black person doing something foolish and say, “They just had to be Black” or “They just took us five steps back” or “And y’all wonder why they see all of us as animals.” I have been guilty of saying one of those before, as if that one Black person represents all of us. But isn’t that what “America” does to us?
Also, why when one of us does something wrong or stupid we are so quick to kick that person out of the “Black Community?” Is it that you do not want to appear to be what “America” perceives of us? Do you feel the need to quickly disassociate yourself from that type of “Black folk,” so you can appear to be on a “higher level” that is acceptable to “America?” Are you so afraid “America” will see you how they will potentially see that one person that did something stupid?
Too late! They already do! They speculated who you will be the moment you were born just like the rest of us. So why are Black people so quick to try to disassociate themselves from other Black people who make mistakes as if we, including “America,” do not make mistakes?
How many Black people were quick to kick Jussie Smollett out of the “Black Community?” There were even civil rights leaders who made a public service announcement on TV expressing their displeasure with Smollett and how there needed to be an arrest made. The police had not even fully conducted their investigation and those leaders, and many others, were quick to say, “He’s not one of us!”
Why are we so quick to kick out those who make mistakes, or appear to have made a mistake/be guilty, out of the “Black community?” We do not have anything to prove! Let them think what they want to think. They are going to do that regardless! So you may as well go on about your business. You know who you are. You know your value, or do you…?
Black people, we have the power to change America if we really want to. We have the power if we really work harder towards loving each other rather than seeking approval, love, and acceptance from “America.”
We are trendsetters without even trying to be trendsetters. I am not trying to take away from other cultures who have done a BEAUTIFUL job of making America great. But how many inventions have we created that are used by “America?” How many dances have we created that have caused the whole world to dance with us? We are fashion! How many times have we been creative and America imitated us?
We can literally make anything “cool.” If we collectively wanted to start wearing Walmart clothes, America would soon follow. We do not have to do anything but be ourselves and America will follow. Being Black itself is a trend, sadly. America will go out and buy the features we have that are God-given. We hold that much power and influence and Black America needs to not only recognize that but grasp that.
Black people, do you really know and understand the power you have? Who told you-you were not a leader? Because you can be. Who told you-you are not special, different, or unique? Because you are. Who told you-you do not matter? Because you do. And honestly, if you change your perspective, America would not be nearly the same or better off without us.
Just like many of our beautiful neighbors who are also oppressed by “America,” we belong here. We are America. We are more valuable than what “America” projects. Stop waiting to be accepted. Stop trying to be like them. They are not the standard of how humans should act or who we should be. Stop wasting your money on overpriced items and clothes because you want them to associate you with wealth in hopes they will not identify you as an animal. Actually, worse than an animal because animals are treated better! Stop acting like you have something to prove.
Love you. Renounce everything you have been taught. I know you have been taught that there is not enough room for all of us and that is why you are willing to backstab, sellout, and keep your “crabs in a bucket” mentality. Side note: How many Black people do you observe in management, or above management, positions at your local bank, grocery store, high-end clothing/retail stores, in human resources, and so on? How many times have you seen one Black person working in a store or something, and then when that one Black person leaves, they are replaced with another Black person merely so that the company does not appear racist?
How many articles have you read about Black models applying for a modeling job, and they are told, “We already have a Black girl” or a “Black boy” as if there is not enough room for two or more? Have you not heard stories about Black people in Hollywood entertainment not given enough opportunities to display their talent because they do not need another Black person even though you rarely see enough Black people!? I understand why you believe you have to backstab and be a crab to be successful, but do not believe it!
Black people, do you really really really know and understand how powerful you really are? We can build our own schools, churches, hospitals, houses, car dealerships, and so on. We can create our own music studios, record labels, movies, clothes, real estate companies, science facilities, etc. Through our businesses, we can give each other a chance.
Do you really know and understand the power you have, Black people? Who told you-you cannot? You can but it is so much better when WE can. It is so much better if WE do it together. We can change America, but we have to stop waiting for change. We have to stop creating all these videos and posts about being “woke” and about what “America” does to us without a solution. Awareness is important, but what is the solution? All we do is argue about it in the comment section with “America!”
Marching is also crucial, but what is next, because when the march is over they are still going to be racist? I get it. I understand your frustration as I am too frustrated. While praying, I cried out to God and I asked Him, “Jesus, why do they hate us so much!? I don’t understand!” He responded and reminded me “They hate me too.”
Stop arguing with “America.” We have what we need. Maybe we do not know how to use what we have, but we have everything we need, and we have each other to figure out the rest. Our ancestors did not have the technology we have. To be honest, there is soooooooo much FREE information out there, so some of us do not have to go to college for certain things, but we cannot be lazy. We must educate ourselves and each other because at the end of the day, it is us and “America.” It is us and everyone else who is oppressed with us and “America.”
“America” will not like this. “America” will not want us to reach our fullest potential. They will try to tear everything we build. Do not be surprised if they say what we build is unethical or it violates some random code they just made up. They may even try to silence some of us who speak out like our past prominent civil rights leaders, but do not get discouraged. This is not about us. This is about the generation that will come after us. The generation your children, nieces, nephews, godchildren, and so on will grow up in.
When Martin Luther King Jr. spoke and said he had a dream, do you think he went through all that for him or for us? We have the torch now so it is up to us to keep going. Keep fighting. We cannot wait for others to fight for us. Keep building. No one is going to build for us. Keep dreaming. Keep working towards your goals/our goals. Stay focused on the bigger picture.
They do not want to lose control or power over us. They are afraid. Perhaps afraid we will retaliate, or perhaps they are afraid to face their demons when in reality we simply want what is rightfully ours. Whatever the case may be, they work so hard to keep us down because they know if we understand just how truly powerful we are, they will lose everything they have stolen from us.
Black people, my beautiful strong loving Black people, Do. You. Know. And. Understand. How. Powerful. You. Really. Are? You alone as one individual is a threat. Imagine what we will all be together. Why do you suppose they keep killing us off?
My beautiful Black People, first love God. Second, love you and finally love us/each other. Then let us change the world because this is bigger than “America.” This is bigger than us. We have a generation to build, and we have a torch to pass. We got this. Keep fighting. We will not be silenced.
Love Always,
Jaz ❤️❤️❤️
